Bilal Moin
Political Economics, Poetics & (occasional) Polemics

Hello! Welcome to a portfolio of things I've made and done. They'll probably come back to haunt me in a few years' time.
Here's a little bit about myself. By day, I'm a researcher and MPhil Candidate in Economics at Oxford University. I graduated from Yale in 2024, where I served as the founding President of the Salus Populi Foundation. My research interests are centred on the intersection of development and political economics, with a particular focus on the role and nature of historic institutions, the dynamics of structural change, and complex societal systems. Born and raised in Mumbai, I'm also fascinated by South Asia's role in the emerging world order. My research has been recognized with the Amartya Sen Prize, the runner-up International Economic Association Stiglitz Prize, and the Yale Rustgi, Dahl, and Leitner Fellowships.
By night, I'm a writer, poet and editor. My debut collection of poetry was published as The Ideajunkyard (2018) with an upcoming literary project under contract from Penguin India. My writing has been featured in Himal Southasian, Rattle, Muse India, Yale Daily News, Yale Globalist, the Bangalore Review, Tipton Poetry Journal, Poetic Bond, and Hippopotamus. I collate a newsletter titled Ink-uilab and capture monochrome photographs. I enjoy espressos, used bookstores, and the films of Satyajit Ray.
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